"Adventure Is Out There!"

Well, this BLOG has become like a dusty, old shoe that has not been worn or even looked at in quite some time. In fact, I even forgot about it. But, as I began preparing for my newest overseas adventure, someone advised that I blog about my experience. That was when I remembered that I actually had a blog!
So, I went searching for the "old shoe," found it in the shadows of the Land of Misfit Websites, and here we are.
I'm not sure if anyone cares to read this, or if I'll even be able to keep it sufficiently up-to-date, but I figured that I'd try to resume the ol' habit of blogging.
I will certainly write more soon, but for now, allow me to simply say that I am embarking upon another new adventure and am traveling to South Africa this summer. I depart for the land of "The Big 5" in just six days and am still in shock that I will finally get the chance to see a place I have longed dreamed of visiting.
For those who have joined me in digging up this "old shoe" and are wondering if it is still of any use or value, please stay tuned and I will be happy to write more about my crazy summer travels, what I've been up to these last few months, and what I feel God has been showing me.
In the meantime, may my newest adventure (and whatever adventures you find yourself mixed up in) be fun, exciting, memorable and full of growth!