Well folks, as much fun as it is to galavant around Germany...it is time to return home.

On August 17th, I will hang-up the lederhosen for a couple of months, before returning to Germany in late October to do the last trip of the season. I haven't been home in about 4 months and it will be nice to be amongst family and friends once again. I must admit that I had yet another amazing summer with Adventures by Disney and it is always sad to see the season come to a close. Yet, I also am craving some authentic American foods such as Chinese Food, Mexican Food, and Mom's Home Cookin'!
I hope that those reading this BLOG have had a wonderful summer as well and one they will never forget. I feel blessed to have had a couple of incredible summers recently and I hope that my life will continue to be full of adventure and excitement. I am also ready, however, to plant myself somewhere so that I can begin to grow in whatever field God has determined. I still feel strongly that that field is Acting, and I will continue to remain in that field until it has completely dried up. Of course, I always leave the door open for other incredible opportunities and paths that I may have not yet imagined for myself. I am simply ready to begin that "next phase" of my life, wherever it leads me.
Many blessings to you and yours and here are some pics...

[Pics from Top to Bottom: Heidelberg; Munich at Sunset; me in lederhosen during festival in Munich; Alsfeld; The Grimm Bros; Heidelberg Fireworks; a Ghost; a weird lion in Heidelberg]