Palmer's Passages

And so it begins. I have been sending various "Palmer Updates" to folks via email, but I thought it was about time to get fancy. I figure that this way I can keep folks up-to-date on the happenings of my crazy life, without sending old-fashioned mass emails. I hope you enjoy my updates, random comments, strange sense of humor, and delightful pictures. It is my hope that Palmer's Passages will cure all known diseases, end world hunger, and bring back "Animaniacs". Enjoy.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Introducing Athena Sophia

Does this lovely young lady look familiar?

How about here...

Yes? No? Maybe? Well, I have officially come to the point in my acting career where I will do ANYTHING to be cast in a role!

I found out that the Aladdin storytelling show I do at D-land is going away for the summer (hopefully it will come back), and is being replaced by an Indiana Jones show. Granted, I will be in Germany this summer, but I was curious what kind of roles would end up in the show, as who would not want to be in an Indiana Jones stage production?

The show called for Indiana Jones (male, between the ages of 35 and 45), The Bad Guy (male, big and imposing), and The Archaeologist (female, British, 25-35). Now, contrary to popular belief, I am not big and imposing, and am far younger than 35. That left one role remaining and I was only missing a couple of things...which I was able to take care of.

So, for kicks, I attended the audition as Athena Sophia. Ironically, guys who knew me said that I really had "balls" to do something like that. Funny that balls are required to dress up like a female...

The director, casting director, stage manager, fight coordinator, and everyone else in the audition room laughed hysterically upon my arrival. After the laughter died down, I was allowed to audition, and my efforts were applauded.

I would like to say that I was cast in the role of the heroine, but alas, I was not. I did, however, make an impression and gave D-land cast members something to talk about on the shuttle and in their break rooms (who could ask for more?).

Now, the dress (which I purchased on a sidewalk in Hollywood for $1) has been tossed aside and I prepare for my summer in Germany. I don't think I'll need the dress there, although it would probably look better on me than liederhosen...

I hope the pics brought a smile to your face and that all is well.

Many blessings, mean...Palmer