Am I the only one asking this question? What
will 2008 bring? Good times? New Adventures? Fun stories to tell? I hope for all of the above.
Sure, there is the chance this could be a hard year...but that's the kind of thinking for pessimists or "realistic thinkers." While this year has started a bit rocky for those of us in Hollywood (Writer's Strike anyone?), I believe it will be a delightful year. Yes, I am an optimist, but I also believe that "optimism is earned."
2007 was a pretty good year. I got to spend a summer in Ireland, do a little voiceover work, live the high-life in Santa Monica, and really invest in my career. I look at 2007 as a preparatory year. It was the year that I finally made a voiceover demo, got voiceover and on-camera commercial agents, joined SAG, and got some new headshots (here are a few for your viewing pleasure):
I am hoping that 2008 will be a year of success. I believe I have made all the steps I can to make my dream a reality. Now, I will audition as much as I can, and pray that God will take care of the rest. I believe my future has always been in His hands, but I also believe that He asks us to do all that we can...and since we are only human and can only do so much...He likes to take care of the rest. Now I will wait and see if I'm on the path He wants me on...He'll let me know soon enough!
By the way, my mom has doing okay and continues to amaze me. Even though she is still in a lot of physical pain, she continues to find reasons to smile. She has a joy and a childlike faith that astounds me. She is still going through quite a battle, but I believe great things are in store for her! For those who don't know, it looks like the cancer is gone! They will watch her closely over the next 5 years (as it will take that long to know for certain), but so far so good. Thanks for all the prayers...they mean a lot!
I hope this New Year finds each of you happy and well. May we all have a wonderful year full of joy and good memories.
Here's to making our dreams come true,