The Return of the Prodigal Palmer
All that to say, I have returned home. On September 6th, I concluded my first season with Adventures by Disney and flew home. I had an amazing time in Ireland and it was a wonderful way to spend my summer.
Ireland was really a wonderful place to be for four months and I have already started to miss it's very warm culture. The people there are incredibly kind and welcoming, the countryside is gorgeous, and it felt like home away from home. It is indeed nice to be back in the land of sunshine and perfect weather, but I do miss the way the Irish make you feel like a party of their family…even though you are a stranger.
We certainly experienced a good deal of rain this summer. The Irish were quite upset as they never really received a summer. It rained for 50 days straight, starting around the time we all arrived (May) and continued off and on through September. We did encounter the occasional sunny day, but I must admit, that the rain was a pretty cool touch, especially since we don’t see much of it in SoCal. The only time the rain concerned me was when some locals started building an ark and discussing the end times...
My tours were all a great success and I had a wonderful time leading with my co-guides. Each group had a different dynamic, but were equally as good as the next, and I even made some friends along the way (some Irish and some American).
It was humbling to spend portions of each week in places that were from 400 AD or even 2000 BC. Plus, to be able to reside in a castle each week was a very nice perk. Overall, I am very glad I was an Adventure Guide this past summer and I hope to do it again in the future.
But what will I do now that I am back home?
I have already returned to performing at Disneyland and worked my favorite show last Friday. I will pick-up as many shifts as possible over the next few months in an effort to still pay rent and afford food. I also worked the Emmy Awards for the first time this past weekend. It was great to share the red carpet with so many amazing actors and to be back in the award show scene once again.
I am also back to the world of voiceover auditions! It is awesome to have a great VO agent here in LA and I have already been a few auditions since my return. Ironically enough, my first audition since I was back from Ireland was for…Guinness! Good times.
My hope is to finally “make it” as an actor sometime in the next 6 months. There are no more excuses, no more reasons as to why I shouldn’t be hitting the ground running, and so here I go. The demo is complete, I have an agent, I am back in the states with free time, and so it is time to rock and roll. Hopefully things will pan out nicely, but regardless, it is nice to know that God has everything already figured out and that I am in His care. Also, it will be nice to be more involved with the Drama ministry at Mosaic (my church). I hope to be used in awesome ways through that ministry and to be able to serve as much as possible.
With that said, it is great to be back and I continue to realize how blessed my life is. Even though my family and I have our share of battles to fight, we have a loving and caring God who takes such good care of us. I am only 25 years old and I have lived in Germany and now Ireland. I have walked the red carpet with the likes of Tom Hanks, Robert Duvall, and Jon Stewart and have shaken hands with any celebrity one can name. I have been the voice of the title character of a Sat morning cartoon series and I live in beautiful Santa Monica. Life is good and will hopefully continue to be so good.
I hope your lives are just as blessed and that your hearts are filled with as much joy and passion as mine is. Thanks for reading and may our lives continue to be a constant adventure!
Many blessings,