"The Adventure of a Lifetime!"
During my time in Florida, I learned much more about what I'll be doing with Adventures by Disney, and what an exceptional opportunity this job is (including the fact that I am now technically an Imagineer).
While accepting the position came with its share of sacrifices (such as not being able to be a counselor at YCS for the first time in 7 years), I know it will contain many rewards!
Training at DisneyWorld was a blast and it was awesome getting to meet and know some of the other Adventure Guides. I was also able to meet the other guides I will travel with in Ireland and they are all an incredible group.
On May 7th, I depart for the Emerald Isle for 2 weeks of field-training. While on this trip, our team will establish contacts, get to know one another all the more, learn every aspect of the itinerary, and begin to make Ireland our second home. I most look forward to the people of Ireland...they were the nicest folks I met in all of Europe last time I was there. I can't wait to hear their incredible stories and folklore over a pint of Guinness!
When I return from Ireland on May 18th, I venture up to the boondocks of Fresno to support my good friend Marcus as he weds the love of his life. I am thrilled that I will make it back just in time for such a joyous occassion.
As I was writing this BLOG, I received word that my Voiceover Demo CD is FINALLY complete! The (2) audio tracks and CD packaging are now complete and I will upload them (or share a link to my acting website) in my next BLOG. I certainly hope that God blesses this HUGE leap of faith I have taken and uses it in mighty ways.
On a serious note, my mom is in the midst of deciding whether or not she will undergo another surgery. Without getting into the details, please know that there is great risk in having the surgery, and great risk in not having it. We are now simply asking God for His wisdom and help in deciding which path to take. All prayers are more than welcome!
I hope this BLOG finds you well. I'll continue to keep you up-to-date on my life's newest adventure and I hope that this summer is a blessed and happy one for you and yours!