Palmer's Passages
And so it begins. I have been sending various "Palmer Updates" to folks via email, but I thought it was about time to get fancy. I figure that this way I can keep folks up-to-date on the happenings of my crazy life, without sending old-fashioned mass emails. I hope you enjoy my updates, random comments, strange sense of humor, and delightful pictures. It is my hope that Palmer's Passages will cure all known diseases, end world hunger, and bring back "Animaniacs". Enjoy.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
"Take Me Home, Country Roads..."

[Hanging Lake; a sweet lake high up in the Rocky Mountains]
Well howdy folks!
I just returned from a trip to my old hometown of Denver, Colorado. It has been over 11 years since I've graced the Mile High City with my presence and I decided now was the time to do so. A good friend of mine accompanied me on this last-minute trip and we decided to drive there and back using a snazy rental car. The car was a tan Taurus, and we named her Tawanda since she had some attitude and sass.
I was able to see my old homes, hot-spots, restaurants, etc. It was weird to see how everything seemed to change, yet it all still felt the same. My two goals of eating tacos at Los Arcos and spending a day at Water World were accomplished. Water World is an AWESOME water park that I spent every summer of my youth at. It was as amazing as I had remembered it being. Rock on Water World. Oh, and the tacos from Los Arcos...served with the world's greatest chips and salsa...were heavenly.
The trip was a blast and it was cool to look back on the things that helped make me who I am today. Perhaps I'll begin erecting a memorial or museum dedicated to all the places/establishments that shed light on the life of the great Jason Palmer. Or would that be a little arrogrant?
Despite the trip, I have come to discover that as of Labor Day, I will be without a great deal of work. Yep, 90% of my theme park work dies down and I will begin scrounging around for some new work (perhaps you'll find me begging for spare change on 3rd Street in Santa Monica). I will still remain employed by Disney and Universal, but will not work at Universal until November and will work sparingly at Disneyland. Unless, of course, something comes up.
I am currently excited to see what God has in store and in what ways He will He ALWAYS does!
I hope all is well out there and happy Labor Day Weekend to all!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Reading Rainbow

I just wanted to recommend a great read. I just finished a book entitled, Searching for God Knows What, by Donald Miller. He wrote Blue Like Jazz and this book is a refreshing look at the Christian faith and the simple essence of our existence. I love the way he writes and I recommend this book to anyone who wants to simply look at the way our faith has become, the way it was meant to be, and how we can challenge ourselves and our churches to quit performing for a jury of our peers and simply become fulfilled by God's love. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Howdy folks.
Recently I've been realizing two truths. One is that we were all created simply to have a relationship with our Creator. We were not created to obey a list of rules, or complete some to-do list. We were created to be loved and love back our Creator in return. I believe this is really our main purpose of existence.
Second, I believe that if we can allow God to become our source of fullfillment, we will experience a peace and joy like nothing else. We, as humans, tend to allow several other things to validate us or complete us. We entertain a jury of our peers, we (I struggle with this one) allow achievement and hard work to fill that void, and so on. If we can wake up each morning knowing that we are complete and that God adores us, anything else that happens in life is just gravy.
Wouldn't it be awesome if we lived in a world where more people found their fulfillment in God alone and focused on spending time with Him? That would be awesome.
Thanks for humoring me.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Dancing Cheek to Cheek
Well folks, I've had my "final callbacks" for Spamalot, and now we just wait and see what they decide. The callback with the creative team was awesome, and they were the nicest group of people I've ever met at an audition. Aside from some nice comments, they asked me to come back a little later for some movement stuff.
To my surprise, it was the final callback for all the male dancers and I certainly stuck out like a sore thumb. The choreographer got up to teach a tap routine (I've never tap-danced in my life) and it was taught very quickly (as it should be...this IS Broadway after all). Well, I did my best, but I think my routine ended up being very different from the routine taught to the group. :)
In other words, I once again realized that dancing is not my strong point, and I am hoping that the powers-that-be will focus more on my acting/singing rather than my "creative" tap dancing skills. Fortunately, both roles I was called-back for do not dance much, but one never knows. At this point, I know that this is all in God's hands and there is nothing more I can do. I will continue to go about my life, and perhaps one day, I will get a phone call with the offer of a lifetime. Time will only tell.
In other news, I learn more and more each day about how life is simply about having a relationship with God, and that if we can find fullfillment and validation in Him alone...then we are exactly where He wants us to be in life.
If anyone needs a tap lesson, look no further.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Deliver Me
Howdy folks.
I semi-choreographed a rather "flamboyant" skit for a talent show, at a youth seminar I participtaed in this past year (called YCS). A friend sent me a link to a video of the skit online. The quality may not be the best, but it still is pretty darn funny.
Keep in mind that we are all in tights (though it may not look it) and several of these guys have never done anything like this before!
"How can something so wrong, feel so right?"