Palmer's Passages

And so it begins. I have been sending various "Palmer Updates" to folks via email, but I thought it was about time to get fancy. I figure that this way I can keep folks up-to-date on the happenings of my crazy life, without sending old-fashioned mass emails. I hope you enjoy my updates, random comments, strange sense of humor, and delightful pictures. It is my hope that Palmer's Passages will cure all known diseases, end world hunger, and bring back "Animaniacs". Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Howdy folks.

Recently I've been realizing two truths. One is that we were all created simply to have a relationship with our Creator. We were not created to obey a list of rules, or complete some to-do list. We were created to be loved and love back our Creator in return. I believe this is really our main purpose of existence.

Second, I believe that if we can allow God to become our source of fullfillment, we will experience a peace and joy like nothing else. We, as humans, tend to allow several other things to validate us or complete us. We entertain a jury of our peers, we (I struggle with this one) allow achievement and hard work to fill that void, and so on. If we can wake up each morning knowing that we are complete and that God adores us, anything else that happens in life is just gravy.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we lived in a world where more people found their fulfillment in God alone and focused on spending time with Him? That would be awesome.

Thanks for humoring me.



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