Palmer's Passages

And so it begins. I have been sending various "Palmer Updates" to folks via email, but I thought it was about time to get fancy. I figure that this way I can keep folks up-to-date on the happenings of my crazy life, without sending old-fashioned mass emails. I hope you enjoy my updates, random comments, strange sense of humor, and delightful pictures. It is my hope that Palmer's Passages will cure all known diseases, end world hunger, and bring back "Animaniacs". Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Hello all.

For those who are not up-to-speed with the going ons of my crazy life, allow me the opportunity to fill you in a bit.

This summer has become the summer of theme parks. I still perform at Disneyland, but no longer as the Mad man himself. I am now a union performer and am the storyteller for the Aladdin and Jasmine's Storytelling Adventures show, a Green Army Man, a talking trashcan, and a few other random roles. I also seldomly work at Universal Studios Hollywood doing the Fear Factor Live show. The newest gig has been SeaWorld (and no, I'm not Shamu). I am a "clown" of sorts in the Cirque De La Mer show every Saturday and the best parts of the job are being able to jump into the bay at any point, and driving the Yamaha Wave Runners during and after the shows.

But before you start to think that I have sold my soul to the theme park world, I am still pursuing the dream!

In fact, I recently received a call-back for the role of Sir Lancelot in "Spamalot". [For those who don't know, "Spamalot" is the Broadway version of Monty Python and the Holy Grail]. I can't tell you what made me decide to even audition, but I did, and God has blessed me with the chance to go out for an amazing role (perhaps one I was born to play). They are currently auditioning for Broadway, the National Tour, and Vegas. The call-back should occur sometime in the next few weeks and I'll keep you posted!

Other than that, Viewtiful Joe still airs on Saturday mornings on Kids WB (now at 11:30AM...I think) and I am hoping to make my VO demo this summer - after all, it's time to go big or go home!

The family is as well as can be and your prayers continued to be coveted on my mom's behalf as she faces more and more physical battles each day. Despite those battles, however, she continues to find so many reasons to be happy and has the deepest faith for God that I've ever witnessed. :)

I shall try to keep this little blog updated as often as I can with pics and fun stories. Be forewarend that this blog business is all new to me.

Blessings to you all my friends,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was talking to Kristyn just now in China, and we decided to click on to your website. What a riot!!! We continue to be amazed at your talent.
I got the job that I was hoping to get, and I know that, in the right time, you too will land the right one. Only for YOU, it will be national! We keep praying that it will be Braodway! Meanwhile, your fans are still loving Viewitful Joe; my bosses' son (Aaron)would die to speak to you! I thought I had your phone number still on my cell-phone from July, but turns out, I inadvertently erased a few when I tried to add others! (Not too good with technology yet, but I'm trying). Will keep you and your whole family in our prayers!

7:04 AM  

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